Going about the Life of being a Chicken: (learning to live by faith)

We have a small hobby farm in Monroe, GA.

I say we.  Actually, it’s me.  My husband just pays for it.  And builds me stuff for my animals when they need it.  Like custom rabbit cages and chicken pens.  He built my miniature horse a miniature gate for his miniature paddock.  He built my dogs a huge, heated, metal-roofed doghouse.  They won’t use it.  Someday it might become the goat’s house.

The chickens are fun.  My husband is convinced a chicken is the perfect pet.  They don’t cost anything to buy, they don’t cost anything to feed (except a couple bags of chicken food every few months), and they’re quiet.  Most of the time.


My chickens (I have several) follow me around like puppies.  I think they like having company.  They make the cutest little sounds.  They just talk and talk.  It’s a happy sound they make, just clucking along and enjoying life.

They don’t seem to worry.  They scrape the ground with their feet, searching for bugs.  They take dust baths and actually seem to enjoy it.  They fluff their feathers, shake their heads and wiggle their tails.  When I bring their dinner, they flock around my feet, gleefully anticipating the pelleted food they’re about to receive.  At night they happily retire to their enclosed pen, safe from whatever predators roam my pasture at night.

Sometimes I wish I could be a chicken.  I wish I could lead a chicken’s life.  I could live my life without a care in the world and not worry about a thing.  Shuffle my feet, fluff my hair and whistle a happy tune when someone brings me a snack.  But the reality is, I’m not a chicken and I won’t ever be able to “go about the life of being a chicken”.  I do worry.  I worry over money and health issues.  I fret over my daughter.  I fear the mailbox and the bills that lurk inside, waiting to be paid.  I stare at the phone waiting for that one call that will pay our bills next week (we’re self-employed www.bryantroofing.com…shameless plug for our business!).

So what is one to do when one is not a chicken, and one tends to worry about stuff they have no control over?  Look up, pray.  Talk to God. 

I guess I’ll always be somewhat of a worrier.  But I have found that, for me, putting my faith in a power greater than myself, whom I choose to call God, is the one saving grace for me. For we live by faith,  not by sight.

Author: For Trying Out Loud

Born in '64, raised in the South, college grad, married in '85, mama, barn life, roofer life, happy homemaker. That would be me. Just trying to find my way in life after all these years. Can you relate?

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